• kalamarioloklhro

    Whole round squid

    Squid is offered in its original form, without additives or preservatives, and with an authentic rich flavor. It can be cooked in various ways and is ideal for recipes with tomato sauce and when deep fried.

  • thrapsaloserodeles

    Squid rings

    Squid is cleaned and cut into rings for easy and fast cooking. When fried, it is ideal for fasting. For a more delicious recipe make a batter with white flour, a little corn flour, cumin or curry powder, a pinch of paprika, 1-2 teaspoons of ouzo and a little water.

  • soupiakatharismeni

    Cuttlefish cleaned

    Cuttlefish conveniently cleaned, without skin or bones, ready to be cooked. It’s ideal for a quick and light meal, cut into thin pieces and served with risotto or pilaf. It’s also appetizing when boiled just with olive oil and lemon sauce.

  • garidesmikresxwriskelyfos

    Small shrimps peeled

    Delicious small shrimps, carefully selected, peeled for easy cooking. Small shrimps are ideal for risottos or as a salad ingredient. Another delicious suggestion is to use them as stuffing in fish rolls or chopped in croquettes with aromatic herbs.

  • garidesmegalesxwriskelyfos

    Large shrimps peeled

    Large peeled shrimps, carefully selected, with juicy flesh, ideal when fried with Feta cheese. Shrimps are a natural source of proteins, phosphorus and Vitamin B12.

  • garidesgigasxwriskelyfos

    Jumbo shrimps peeled

    Jumbo peeled shrimps are ideal for many quick and easy recipes. They can be served as a snack or hors d’ oeuvre, sautéed with lemon juice or mild mustard. They can also be used in more complex recipes with tomato sauce and garlic.

  • mydiaxwriskelyfos

    Mussels’ meat

    Mussels are very popular in the Greek cuisine, since they can be cooked in various ways. They are a natural source of iron and phosphorus and constitute a nutritious meal and a delicious choice. They can be added in pasta or risotto sauces, as filling for stuffed vegetables, but also they are delicious when fried.

  • surimi

    Imitation crab sticks (crab surimi)

    Crab surimi is perfect for delicious hors d’ oeuvres and cold salads. It doesn’t require any cooking and is available in sticks that you can also easily cut it into rings or thin slices.